Olivia, Stavanger, Norway


This Finnish-Norwegian just loves arts! Among many hobbies she takes drama classes and dreams about becoming an actress. Is she one of the famous actresses of the 2030’s?
She takes school seriously, values family and friends and is grateful for her parents for teaching her good manners. She is brave: only at the age of 12 travelled alone to language course to Malta.
What has “bunad” to do with her? Also, find out how she got her beautiful name? It´s a story worth telling.

Meet Olivia, 15, living in the oil capital of Norway, Stavanger.

Her family consist of mom Petra, dad Petter and sporty little brother Peder (10) and as Olivia adds: “a furry little brother, labradoodle Prince.”

This year is her last one in primary school and next year it’s time for the high school. Beside the school she babysits sometimes and last summer had her first real summer job at grocery store.

Olivia is a mixture of Finnish guts and a beauty of Norwegian fjords. Her parents met at the picturesque island of Santorini, Greece in 2000 where Mirka and Petra, best friends, were having a holiday.  Without that one particular party-night in hot Greece, without many emails between Helsinki and Stavanger, without finally meeting in Finland for the first time, without Petra moving to Stavanger, there wouldn´t be Olivia Ida Andre who was born 5 years after that party-night in Greece. Olivia’s name always reminds where their story began: O I A (one of the areas of Santorini) = Olivia Ida Andrea.

Mirka is Olivia’s godmother and Olivia has always looked up to Mirka as she thinks that Mirka is very cool! (edit: Mirka was overwhelmed by these words <3 )

Olivia was supposed have her Confirmation in April but Covid19 changed the plans and celebration of the first communion was moved into September.


In picture Olivia is wearing a national costume, bunad. There are hundreds of different types of bunad’s – the real ones are hand-made in Norway. And quite expensive.

Each area has its own costume and one should wear a costume of the area she/he has a genetic or residential connection. One primary function of bunad is to serve as a public appreciation to Norwegian and regional heritage.

Designs vary massively between areas and regions and are typically elaborated, with embroidery, scarves, shawls and hand-made silver or gold jewelry.

Usage of the national costumes is much more common than for example in Finland. When celebrating Syttonde Mai (i.e. National day on the 17th of May) streets are full of people in national costumes! National costumes are not only used then, but it is common to use them in different celebrations or in religious occasions such as  weddings, baptism and confirmation.

Olivia got her first bunad this year for her Confirmation-day, just like many of the other 15 years old in Norway. She also got her Mom’s old Finnish national costume to be worn in after-church party!


Olivia’s normal Tuesday consists of school and some homework. She is usually busy with activities after school, but Tuesday is a day-off from hobbies. Olivia takes Prince for a walk couple of times a day and in the evening, she usually watches Netflix or reads a book.
She takes drama classes at the local theater and dances jazz ballet. She likes to paint and draw. She loves arts! Olivia tells to be obsessed with Broadway musical ”Beetlejuice” which she haven´t yet had a chance to see live, but she loves the song ”Dead Mom” by Sophia Anne Caruso.

           Check the Sophia Anne Caruso’s “Dead Mom” here.

She appreciates good everyday life with friends and family. She mentions how lucky they are in safe country like Norway as there are only small problems and most of the things are working very well.

Worst in everyday life would be if she didn´t succeed in important exam at school. Olivia takes school seriously and wants to study hard which naturally causes some stress. She likes to do well at school.

Being together with good friends gives her energy and she values her friends highly. Eating well and healthy, relaxing and sleeping enough is how she takes care of herself. And when needing to treat herself, she likes to watch a good movie, read a book, meet her best friends or to eat candies – who wouldn´t?

Olivia loves to travel. Here you are her Norwegian gems: ”If you ever travel to Stavanger or Norway, and you definitely should, – Pulpit Rock or Preikestolen (rises 604 meters above the Lysefjord) is the top sight in that area. There are also many beautiful fjords in Norway: Geiranger is one of the most famous ones. Something very exotic is also a visit to Ice-Hotel in Alta (Northern Norway).”

It depends on the day and the mood how she talks to herself in front of the mirror. Sometimes she is not happy with the looks, but luckily more often she likes what she sees and is kind to herself.


What are your dreams?
“My biggest dream is to become an actress.”

What is your worst fear?
“To lose one of my loved ones. I hate and I´m afraid of spiders.  And yes…getting bad grades is also kind of a fear for me.”

What is the most important advice you have received?
“I really appreciate that my parents have taught me good manners. It makes everything easier and people respect me for that.”

What is the most significant world-wide innovation in your lifetime?
“Maybe not an innovation, but participating in EF language school alone without someone I knew from before for the first time at the age of 12 years was ”BIG” for me. I did my second EF language course with my friend Mia. And it was a dream come true! We went together to the Isle of Wight for 2 weeks in 2019. To be able to do something like that with my best friends was really cool and memory for a lifetime!”.

Where would you donate your time/money to?
“I would like to help women and children that have experienced domestic violence.”

Has the position of girl/women changed during your lifetime?
“Woman´s rights are getting better and better in many countries, but there are still lots of problems and quite often life does not treat women fairly. But the rights are getting better and position of women is stronger. I feel that many women are very insecure. About themselves and other things.”

If you could, what advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
“Never stop following your dreams!”

Where will you be in 10 years?
“I would like to work in London or perhaps in New York. Would be nice if I worked with something that I love, like drama or arts.”

What would you say to a girl of your age who lives across the world?
“Never stop following your dream and work hard for it! Also, be kind and be yourself!”

What about Christmas traditions? Olivia’s Christmas vary a lot from year to year. Sometimes her family celebrates Christmas at home to, sometimes at the cottage. Sometimes they even travel away. She has been in Spain, Finland and Thailand for Christmas. All very different experiences. Sometimes Christmas is are spent only with her parents and brother, sometimes with friends or extended family. They spend on Christmas gifts and they always eat a lot of good Christmas food – both Norwegian and Finnish.


Drink: water

Favorite food: pizza

Delicacy: chocolate

Restaurant/Café: TGI Fridays

Spice: cinnamon

Feeling: happy

Music: pop

Scent: Suntan lotion (sunscreen)

Travel destination: NYC

Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Movie: Beauty and the Beast by Bill Condon

Favorite public holiday: Christmas

Artist/band: Ariana Grande

Plant: rose (red ones)

Evening routine: Netflix

Favorite piece of clothing: dress

Animal: meerkat

Scenery: beach

Sport: dance

Motto: Never stop dreaming and believing in yourself


Kaisa, Siargao Island, Philippines


Maria, Helsinki, Finland